martes, 25 de agosto de 2015

¡Bienvenidos de regreso a la escuela!

Welcome back amigos!

I hope you all had a great summer!  I know I did! This will be our second year together and I am super excited about getting started in our language adventure.  I hope you guys had a chance to review some of your Spanish vocabulary.  This week I have been asking you to give me at least one Spanish word that you remember from last year and i have been very impressed.  :) Kiss your brains!

My Summer:

I was lucky enough to travel to Costa Rica this summer.  As many of you may remember we read, acted out, and created a project with a story titled "Salva la Selva."  The story was about saving the forest because it was the "casa" of many animals and plants. Well, I must report that indeed it is "¡La case de muchos animals y plantas!"  I can't wait to share all about my adventure with you! I also can't wait to hear all about your summer adventures too!  Hasta luego amigos!

Sra. Brandon en Costa Rica