miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2015

Ancillary Giving Tree

Check out our ancillary giving tree!  Some of the ancillary teachers (Dance, Spanish, Library...) have placed a giving tree in the main hallway. Please feel free to peruse and help out in any way you can.  Some of the items you may find on the list:

  • kleenex
  • 12 mm tz tape RTouch 
  • hand sanitizer
  • 74 and 75 hp ink cartridge
  • giant post it notes 
  • disinfecting wipes
  • chart paper (no lines)
  • Mr. Sketch Markers (Scented)
  • Lysol Wipes
  • Gist Cards (iTunes, Hobby Lobby, Office Depot, Michael's, Target, Lakeshore...)

UPDATE:  Thanks to those parents who have already donated I am super excited about this year.  I just received some wipes and an iTunes gift card with which I plan to buy quite a few Spanish language learning apps (fun ones!) and Spanish songs.  Thanks a million parents!!!

Thank you for all that you do!  


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